La preparación a las familias para desarrollar el juego de roles en condiciones de vida familiar
Reyes Mora, Liskeidy
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad Educación Infantil. Departamento Preescolar
El presente trabajo: Preparación a las familias de los niños del grado preescolar de la escuela rural “Camilo Cienfuegos” para dirigir el juego de roles en condiciones de vida familiar, surge a partir de las necesidades diagnosticadas en una muestra conformada por 5 familias de los niños y niñas del grado preescolar de la escuela rural “Camilo Cienfuegos”, para ello se utilizaron métodos e instrumentos tales como: observación mediante la visita al hogar, encuestas. Los resultados de dichos métodos e instrumentos evidenciaron que las familias poseen limitados conocimientos sobre el juego de roles, su importancia y características. Además de presentar carencias para crear las condiciones y participar en el desarrollo del juego de roles en condiciones de vida familiar. Para resolver tales insuficiencias se elaboró un sistema de actividades, este contiene aspectos teóricos y procedimentales; la aplicación de la propuesta se realizó utilizando las vías del trabajo con la familia; para la constatación de la efectividad se aplicaron nuevamente los métodos e instrumentos, sus resultados evidenciaron que el sistema de actividades fue efectivo, porque aumentó la preparación de las familias para el desarrollo del juego de roles en condiciones de vida familiar.
The present work: Preparation to the families of the children of the degree preescolar of the rural school “Camilo Cienfuegos” to direct the game of lists under conditions of family life. It arises starting from the necessities diagnosed in a sample conformed by the children's 5 families and girls of the degree preescolar of the rural school “Camilo Cienfuegos", for they were used it methods and such instruments as: observation by means of the visit to the home, surveys. The results of this methods and instruments evidenced that the families possess limited knowledge on the game of lists, their importance and characteristic. Besides presenting lacks to create the conditions and to participate in the development of the game of lists under conditions of family life. To solve such inadequacies a system of activities it was elaborated, this it contains theoretical and procedural aspects; the application of the proposal was carried out using the roads of the work with the family; for the verification of the effectiveness they were applied the methods and instruments again, their results evidenced that the system of activities was effective, because the preparation of the families increased for the development of the game of lists under conditions of family life.
The present work: Preparation to the families of the children of the degree preescolar of the rural school “Camilo Cienfuegos” to direct the game of lists under conditions of family life. It arises starting from the necessities diagnosed in a sample conformed by the children's 5 families and girls of the degree preescolar of the rural school “Camilo Cienfuegos", for they were used it methods and such instruments as: observation by means of the visit to the home, surveys. The results of this methods and instruments evidenced that the families possess limited knowledge on the game of lists, their importance and characteristic. Besides presenting lacks to create the conditions and to participate in the development of the game of lists under conditions of family life. To solve such inadequacies a system of activities it was elaborated, this it contains theoretical and procedural aspects; the application of the proposal was carried out using the roads of the work with the family; for the verification of the effectiveness they were applied the methods and instruments again, their results evidenced that the system of activities was effective, because the preparation of the families increased for the development of the game of lists under conditions of family life.
Palabras clave
Familia, Juego de Roles, Vida Familiar, Educación Preescolar