Estrategia comercial para el desarrollo de la Banca a Distancia en el Banco Popular de Ahorro en Villa Clara
Rodríguez Hernández, Yanelis
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El presente trabajo se realizó en la Dirección Provincial del Banco Popular de Ahorro en Villa Clara. Partiendo del análisis del papel de la informatización en los servicios bancarios que tributa a una mejor satisfacción del cliente, y teniendo en cuenta que no existe una estrategia de comercialización para la Banca a Distancia que ocasiona un crecimiento discreto de clientes que ejecutan el conjunto de servicios asociados a este canal, se hace necesario la formulación de una estrategia que aminore la incidencia desfavorable de estas problemáticas en el proceso de bancarización de la institución financiera. Valorando lo antes expuesto el objetivo es demostrar la necesidad de diseñar una estrategia comercial para potenciar el desarrollo de la Banca a Distancia en el Banco Popular de Ahorro, enmarcado fundamentalmente en la revisión bibliográfica y la consulta de expertos; lográndose con ello, optimizar todos los procesos vinculados a los servicios del producto objeto del trabajo, que estos estén más ligados al conocimiento y accesibilidad de todos los clientes, y que sean menos costosos, más ágiles y brinden la protección adecuada.
This work was done in the Provincial Management of the Popular Bank of Savings in Villa Clara. Taking into account the analysis of the computerization role and the deficiency in the merchandising strategy in the Bank to Distance, which produces a discreet growth of customers who implement the set of services associated to this track. It is necessary the formulation of a strategy which lessens the adverse incidence of those problems in the process of banking the finance company. Valveing what was previously explained, the objective is the proposal of a procedure fir merchandising in the Bank to Distance in the Popular Bank of Savings in Villa Clara, mainly framed in the bibliographical revision and the expert consultation, reaching to optimize all the processes link to the services from the object of work product, which should be bounder to the knowledge and accessibility of all customers, and they should also be cheaper, quicker and offer the adequate protection.
This work was done in the Provincial Management of the Popular Bank of Savings in Villa Clara. Taking into account the analysis of the computerization role and the deficiency in the merchandising strategy in the Bank to Distance, which produces a discreet growth of customers who implement the set of services associated to this track. It is necessary the formulation of a strategy which lessens the adverse incidence of those problems in the process of banking the finance company. Valveing what was previously explained, the objective is the proposal of a procedure fir merchandising in the Bank to Distance in the Popular Bank of Savings in Villa Clara, mainly framed in the bibliographical revision and the expert consultation, reaching to optimize all the processes link to the services from the object of work product, which should be bounder to the knowledge and accessibility of all customers, and they should also be cheaper, quicker and offer the adequate protection.
Palabras clave
Informatización, Banca a Distancia, Institución Financiera