Estrategia de comunicación para el nuevo servicio TELEBANCA de la Sucursal 4331 del BANDEC en Santa Clara
Nerey Ameneiro, Miriela
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La presente investigación se desarrolló en la Sucursal 4331 del BANDEC en Santa Clara con el objetivo general de proponer una estrategia de comunicación para la promoción del nuevo servicio TELEBANCA que ofrecerá esta organización para el Grupo Electrónico del Turismo (GET).
Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa enriquecida con análisis cualitativos de algunas técnicas empleadas. El tipo de estudio que caracterizó la investigación fue descriptivo y fueron utilizados instrumentos como: el análisis de documentos oficiales, la observación, el cuestionario y la entrevista.
Entre los principales resultados se puede destacar que los canales que posee BANDEC para informar al cliente no son suficientes, y los mensajes ofrecidos por el departamento de Banca Personal sobre los servicios presentan problemas. En la organización existen canales para la retroalimentación pero no siempre es llevada a cabo de la manera más rápida posible. La comunicación durante la prestación del servicio de tarjeta Débito-Red no es efectiva.
El nuevo servicio TELEBANCA cuenta con una serie de características de atractivo para el público externo del GET. Asimismo la propuesta de estrategia de comunicación para la promoción del nuevo servicio constituye un resultado en sí misma.
Como principal recomendación se le propone a la Dirección Provincial de BANDEC y a la Sucursal 4331 la implementación de la estrategia de comunicación presentada para el GET, a partir del mes de septiembre del 2011.
This research was Developer at the Branch 4331 of BANDEC in Santa Clara with the goal of proposing a strategy of communication for promoting the new service TELEBANCA. This service will be provided for the “Grupo Electrónico del Turismo”(GET). A quantitative methodology was used. This was improved with qualitative analysis of some of the techniques we used. The research was descriptive and there were tools like official documents’ analysis, observation, questionnaire and interview. The main results show that BANDEC has not enough ways to offer information, and the messages provided by the “Banca Personal” department are defective. The organization has resources for the feedback but this is not always carried out as soon as possible. Communication during the provision of the “Débito-Red” service is not effective. The new TELEBANCA service counts on a group of appealing characteristics for the outside costumers of GET. The proposal of Communication Strategy for the promotion of the new service is a result itself. As main recommendation, is proposed to Provincial Direction of BANDEC and to Branch 4331, the implementation of Communication Strategy to GET from September 2011.
This research was Developer at the Branch 4331 of BANDEC in Santa Clara with the goal of proposing a strategy of communication for promoting the new service TELEBANCA. This service will be provided for the “Grupo Electrónico del Turismo”(GET). A quantitative methodology was used. This was improved with qualitative analysis of some of the techniques we used. The research was descriptive and there were tools like official documents’ analysis, observation, questionnaire and interview. The main results show that BANDEC has not enough ways to offer information, and the messages provided by the “Banca Personal” department are defective. The organization has resources for the feedback but this is not always carried out as soon as possible. Communication during the provision of the “Débito-Red” service is not effective. The new TELEBANCA service counts on a group of appealing characteristics for the outside costumers of GET. The proposal of Communication Strategy for the promotion of the new service is a result itself. As main recommendation, is proposed to Provincial Direction of BANDEC and to Branch 4331, the implementation of Communication Strategy to GET from September 2011.
Palabras clave
Clientes, Servicio, Estrategia de Comunicación, Comunicación Externa, Outside Communication, Costumers, Service, Communication Strategy