Propuesta de actividades con anécdotas de la Historia Contemporánea para contribuir al fortalecimiento del valor patriotismo
Expósito Rosa, Lisbety
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu‘‘ de las Villas. Departamento Marxismo Historia. Licenciatura en Educación. Especialidad: Marxismo Leninismo e Historia.
En la presente investigación se emplean las anécdotas para la formación del
patriotismo por la gran carga emocional que se puede transmitir a través de ellas,
ya que permiten recrear una época histórica, aristas poco conocidas de
personalidades, hechos y procesos históricos, propiciando un análisis valorativo
por parte de los estudiantes que tributa a la formación de valores. Todo esto con el objetivo de eliminar las carencias dentro de la institución en cuanto al trabajo con la
conmemoración de efemérides relacionadas con la Historia Contemporánea y en
las clases de esta asignatura no se emplean anécdotas que posibiliten la
motivación hacia la misma y la formación del valor patriotismo, lo que conlleva a
que los alumnos no conozcan a los principales patriotas de las luchas por la
liberación nacional en las diferentes regiones del mundo.
In the present investigation the anecdotes are used for the formation of patriotism for the great emotional charge that can be transmitted through them, since they allow to recreate a historical era, little known edges of personalities, facts and historical processes, promoting a value analysis on the part of the students who pay tribute to the formation of values. All this with the aim of eliminating the gaps within the institution in terms of working with the commemoration of ephemeris related to Contemporary History and in The classes of this subject do not use anecdotes that allow the motivation towards it and the formation of patriotism value, which leads to that students do not know the main patriots of the struggles for National liberation in the different regions of the world.
In the present investigation the anecdotes are used for the formation of patriotism for the great emotional charge that can be transmitted through them, since they allow to recreate a historical era, little known edges of personalities, facts and historical processes, promoting a value analysis on the part of the students who pay tribute to the formation of values. All this with the aim of eliminating the gaps within the institution in terms of working with the commemoration of ephemeris related to Contemporary History and in The classes of this subject do not use anecdotes that allow the motivation towards it and the formation of patriotism value, which leads to that students do not know the main patriots of the struggles for National liberation in the different regions of the world.
Palabras clave
Historia, Historia Contemporánea, Tesis, Educación, Educación Superior, Ensenanza de la Historia