La orientación a la familia para la formación de cualidades morales en niños del grado preescolar de la escuela Primaria Joaquín Paneca”
Fernández González, Cheilan
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Preescolar
La orientación a la familia constituye un aspecto de vital importancia para que estas contribuyan al desarrollo integral de sus hijos, especialmente cuando se trata de la formación y desarrollo de cualidades morales, pues ellas constituyen la primera escuela del niño. El presente trabajo propone un sistema de actividades de orientación a la familia para la formación de las cualidades morales de amor y respeto a lo que nos rodea utilizando la música infantil. Para la realización de este trabajo se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico como el analítico sintético, inductivo deductivo, sistémico estructural. Del nivel empírico la observación, entrevista, encuesta y del nivel matemático el análisis porcentual, tablas y gráficos. La muestra estuvo conformada por un grupo de 14 familias de los niños del grado preescolar de la escuela “Joaquín Paneca”. Los resultados de la aplicación de los instrumentos evidenciaron que las familias no están bien orientadas en el tema que se investiga. Para resolver estas insuficiencias se elaboró una propuesta de actividades, pertinente y útil según criterio de especialistas, la que fue aplicada a la muestra, constatándose resultados superiores.
The orientation to the family constitutes an aspect of vital importance so that these they contribute to the integral development of its children, especially when it is about the formation and development of moral qualities, because they constitute the boy's first school. The present work proposes a system of orientation activities to the family for the formation of the moral qualities of love and respect to what surrounds us using the infantile music. For the realization of this work methods of the theoretical level were used as the analytic one synthetic, inductive deductive, systemic structural. Of the level empiric analysis the observation, interviews, it interviews and of the mathematical level the percentage analysis, charts and graphics. The sample was conformed by a group of the children's of the preschool grade of the school 14 families "Joaquín Paneca." The results of the application of the instruments evidenced that the families are not very guided in the topic that is investigated. To solve these inadequacies a proposal of activities it was elaborated, pertinent and useful according to specialists' approach, the one that was applied to the sample, verifying you superior results.
The orientation to the family constitutes an aspect of vital importance so that these they contribute to the integral development of its children, especially when it is about the formation and development of moral qualities, because they constitute the boy's first school. The present work proposes a system of orientation activities to the family for the formation of the moral qualities of love and respect to what surrounds us using the infantile music. For the realization of this work methods of the theoretical level were used as the analytic one synthetic, inductive deductive, systemic structural. Of the level empiric analysis the observation, interviews, it interviews and of the mathematical level the percentage analysis, charts and graphics. The sample was conformed by a group of the children's of the preschool grade of the school 14 families "Joaquín Paneca." The results of the application of the instruments evidenced that the families are not very guided in the topic that is investigated. To solve these inadequacies a proposal of activities it was elaborated, pertinent and useful according to specialists' approach, the one that was applied to the sample, verifying you superior results.
Palabras clave
Orientación, Familia, Educación de la Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar, Valores Morales