Sistema de información para la gestión en la dirección de alimentación de la UCLV
Marín Rodríguez, Ivón Guillermo
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
El presente Trabajo de Diploma consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema computacional para
automatizar el proceso de planificación y control de los menús en la Dirección de
Alimentación de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. El sistema se desarrolla
como una aplicación web de software libre utilizando Linux como sistema operativo, servidor
web Apache, base de datos PostGreSQL, PHP y Javascript como lenguajes de programación y
HTML y CSS como lenguajes de marcado y estilos. Mediante la implementación de los
módulos que integran la aplicación, se garantiza inmediatez y eficiencia en la obtención de los
conjuntos de resultados necesarios para realizar las tareas que allí se necesitan y que
antiguamente se realizaban de manera más compleja, e incluso en ocasiones no se encontraban
de forma digital. Algunas de las novedades que brinda este sistema son los cálculos de
cantidades necesarias para la elaboración de los platos en el comedor, teniendo en cuenta los
comensales y existencias en el almacén, informes de varios tipos donde se listan resúmenes de
cantidades de productos, comensales y platos utilizados durante la planificación de los menús.
This diploma work is to develop a computer system to automate the process of planning and control of the menus in the Food Directorate of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. The system is developed as a web application using open source Linux operating system, Apache Web server, PostgreSQL database, PHP and JavaScript as programming languages such as CSS and HTML and markup languages and styles. Through the implementation of the modules that make up the application, it ensures immediacy and efficiency in achieving the result sets needed to perform the tasks that are needed and that there were formerly a more complex, and sometimes were not in digital form. Some of the innovations offered by this system are estimates of amounts necessary for preparing meals in the dining room, taking into account diners and inventory in the warehouse, reports of various kinds which lists summaries of quantities of products, people and dishes used during the planning of menus.
This diploma work is to develop a computer system to automate the process of planning and control of the menus in the Food Directorate of the Central University "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. The system is developed as a web application using open source Linux operating system, Apache Web server, PostgreSQL database, PHP and JavaScript as programming languages such as CSS and HTML and markup languages and styles. Through the implementation of the modules that make up the application, it ensures immediacy and efficiency in achieving the result sets needed to perform the tasks that are needed and that there were formerly a more complex, and sometimes were not in digital form. Some of the innovations offered by this system are estimates of amounts necessary for preparing meals in the dining room, taking into account diners and inventory in the warehouse, reports of various kinds which lists summaries of quantities of products, people and dishes used during the planning of menus.
Palabras clave
Sistema de Información, Gestión de Alimentación, Aplicación Web, Software Libre, Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas (UCLV)