Estrategias de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso en la carrera de Estomatología de la Universidad Médica de Villa Clara.
Alemán Mederos, María Mislaine
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Universidad Central " Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
Tomando en consideración las dificultades que subsisten en el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje de los alumnos de nuevo ingreso a la Carrera de Estomatología, de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" de Villa Clara, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo caracterizar las estrategias de aprendizaje que utilizan dichos estudiantes en la disciplina Morfofisiología. La investigación se llevó a cabo en el período comprendido
desde octubre de 2013 a marzo de 2015. Se trabajó desde el paradigma mixto o integrador de investigación no experimental, con un tipo de estudio descriptivo correlacional, utilizándose el “Diseño exploratorio secuencial” (DEXPLOS). La muestra estudiante se conforma a través de un muestreo aleatorio simple por conglomerado, que condujo a la selección del 50% de cada género: 44 perteneciente al conglomerado del género femenino y 16 del conglomerado
del género masculino, para un total de 60 alumnos.
En la muestra docentes, participan los 12 profesores que imparten la disciplina en el año.
Las variables psicológicas estudiadas fueron las estrategias afectivas de apoyo y control y las estrategias cognitivas relacionadas con el procesamiento de la información. Como técnicas investigativas se aplicaron: el análisis de contenido, la entrevista grupal, las entrevistas semiestructurada y la triangulación. Los resultados fueron valorados cualitativamente mediante la interpretación psicológica de los datos, y cuantitativamente utilizando técnicas contenidas en el paquete estadístico SPSS/Windows, versión 21.0.
Los hallazgos obtenidos evidenciaron relaciones hacia el interior de algunas de las
estrategias de aprendizaje estudiadas, pero al mismo tiempo se expresaron contradicciones y/o asincronías en el desarrollo y uso de las mismas, aspectos que nos sitúa en la necesidad de repensar las prácticas educativas implementadas en el contexto investigado.
Taking into consideration the difficulties than subsist in the process of teaching learning of the pupils of new entrance to Stomatology degree at "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" Medical Sciences University in Villa Clara; the present work aimed at characterizing the learning strategies that utilize the aforementioned students in discipline Morphophysiology. The investigation took effect in the period between October 2013 and March 2015. It was worked up from the mixed paradigm or integrator of investigation not experimental, with a kind of descriptive correlational study, using the Exploratory Sequential Design (DEXPLOS). The sample conformed through a simple random sampling for conglomerate, which led to the selection of 50 % of each kind: 44 in the feminine conglomerate and 16 of the conglomerate of the masculine gender for 60 pupils’ total. All the 12 professors participated in the study. The psychological studied variables were the affective strategies of support and control and the cognitive strategies related with information processing. As investigating techniques were applicable: The analysis of contents, the group interview, the semi-structured interviews and the triangulation. Results were appraised qualitatively intervening the psychological interpretation of the data, and quantitatively utilizing techniques contained in the statistical parcel SPSS Windows, version 21,0. The obtained findings evidenced relations toward the inside of some of the learning studied strategies, but at the same time they expressed contradictions and/or asynchronous development and same use of them, these aspects place us in the need to reconsider the educational practices implemented in the investigated context.
Taking into consideration the difficulties than subsist in the process of teaching learning of the pupils of new entrance to Stomatology degree at "Dr. Serafín Ruiz de Zárate Ruiz" Medical Sciences University in Villa Clara; the present work aimed at characterizing the learning strategies that utilize the aforementioned students in discipline Morphophysiology. The investigation took effect in the period between October 2013 and March 2015. It was worked up from the mixed paradigm or integrator of investigation not experimental, with a kind of descriptive correlational study, using the Exploratory Sequential Design (DEXPLOS). The sample conformed through a simple random sampling for conglomerate, which led to the selection of 50 % of each kind: 44 in the feminine conglomerate and 16 of the conglomerate of the masculine gender for 60 pupils’ total. All the 12 professors participated in the study. The psychological studied variables were the affective strategies of support and control and the cognitive strategies related with information processing. As investigating techniques were applicable: The analysis of contents, the group interview, the semi-structured interviews and the triangulation. Results were appraised qualitatively intervening the psychological interpretation of the data, and quantitatively utilizing techniques contained in the statistical parcel SPSS Windows, version 21,0. The obtained findings evidenced relations toward the inside of some of the learning studied strategies, but at the same time they expressed contradictions and/or asynchronous development and same use of them, these aspects place us in the need to reconsider the educational practices implemented in the investigated context.
Palabras clave
Aprendizaje, Estrategias de Aprendizaje, Estrategias cognitivas, Morfofisiología, Learning, Learning Strategies, Cognitive Strategies, Morphophysiology