El conocimiento de la historia local en el preuniversitario “José Martí” de Cifuentes
Acosta Santiago, Yoniec
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu‘‘ de las Villas. Departamento Marxismo Historia. Licenciatura en Educación. Especialidad: Marxismo Leninismo e Historia.
El trabajo se dirige al diseño de actividades, para profundizar en el conocimiento de la
historia local de los estudiantes del preuniversitario. Se aprovechan en él las
potencialidades que brinda la asignatura Historia de Cuba, en lo relacionado con la
utilización de métodos propios de la investigación histórica, para el desarrollo de
conocimientos y habilidades en los estudiantes. Se emplearon diferentes métodos
científicos. Del nivel teórico: el analítico-sintético, el histórico- lógico, el inductivodeductivo,
el sistémico estructural. Del nivel empírico: el análisis de documentos, la
observación científica, la entrevista, la encuesta, la prueba pedagógica, el pre
experimento pedagógico, el diario del investigador. Del nivel matemático y/o estadístico:
la tabulación, el cálculo porcentual, la estadística descriptiva, tablas y gráficos.
La población y muestra utilizada estuvo integrada por estudiantes del grado doce del
centro mixto “José Martí” del poblado cabecera del municipio Cifuentes. Los
evaluadores externos valoraron la propuesta como viable y necesaria, lo cual se
corroboró en las transformaciones producidas en la muestra, después de aplicado el pre
experimento pedagógico.
The work is directed to the design of activities, to deepen the knowledge of the local history of pre-university students. They take advantage of it potential offered by the subject History of Cuba, in relation to the use of historical research methods, for the development of knowledge and skills in students. Different methods were used scientists. From the theoretical level: the analytical-synthetic, the historical-logical, the inductive- deductive, the structural systemic. From the empirical level: the analysis of documents, the scientific observation, interview, survey, pedagogical test, pre pedagogical experiment, the investigator's diary. From the mathematical and / or statistical level: tabulation, percentage calculation, descriptive statistics, tables and graphs. The population and sample used were made up of students in grade twelve of the “José Martí” mixed center of the main town of Cifuentes municipality. The external evaluators rated the proposal as viable and necessary, which is corroborated in the transformations produced in the sample, after applying the pre pedagogical experiment
The work is directed to the design of activities, to deepen the knowledge of the local history of pre-university students. They take advantage of it potential offered by the subject History of Cuba, in relation to the use of historical research methods, for the development of knowledge and skills in students. Different methods were used scientists. From the theoretical level: the analytical-synthetic, the historical-logical, the inductive- deductive, the structural systemic. From the empirical level: the analysis of documents, the scientific observation, interview, survey, pedagogical test, pre pedagogical experiment, the investigator's diary. From the mathematical and / or statistical level: tabulation, percentage calculation, descriptive statistics, tables and graphs. The population and sample used were made up of students in grade twelve of the “José Martí” mixed center of the main town of Cifuentes municipality. The external evaluators rated the proposal as viable and necessary, which is corroborated in the transformations produced in the sample, after applying the pre pedagogical experiment
Palabras clave
Educación, Educación Superior, Ensenanza de la Historia, Didática de la Historia, Tesis, Historia de Cuba, Historia Local