Barack Obama: ¿Zanahorias o palos? Análisis del Discurso Político de Barack Obama respecto a Cuba durante los dos últimos años de su mandato.
Pedraza Valdés, Ailyn Leonela
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
La presente investigación comunicológica se desarrolló entre los meses de septiembre de 2016 y mayo de 2017 con el objetivo de caracterizar el discurso político del Presidente Barack Obama respecto a Cuba en el período 2014-2016. Para ello se toma como referencia el paradigma de investigación cualitativa, respondiendo al elevado nivel de interpretación requerido en la muestra analizada. A partir del método Análisis Crítico del Discurso (ACD), se comprobó que el discurso político de Barack Obama hacia la Isla se caracteriza por el empleo del poder inteligente. Las estrategias discursivas detectadas, legitiman un enfoque ideológico a favor de la promoción de los principios universales de la democracia, los derechos humanos y los mercados libres/abiertos. Se constató además, la presencia de variaciones discursivas a través de las estrategias móvil de honestidad y altruismo aparente, así como de las valoraciones positivas.
The present investigation was developed between the months of September of 2016 and May of 2017 with the objective of characterizing the President's political discourse Barack Obama regarding Cuba in the period 2014-2016. For this, takes it like reference the paradigm of qualitative investigation, responding at the high interpretation level required in the analyzed sample. Starting from the Critical Discourse Analysis method, was proven that the political speech of Barack Obama toward the Island is characterized by the employment of the intelligent power. The detected discursive strategies, they legitimate an ideological focus of the promotion of the universal principles of the democracy, the human rights and the free and open markets. It was also verified, the presence of discursive variations through the mobile strategies of honesty and apparent altruism, as well as of the positive valuations.
The present investigation was developed between the months of September of 2016 and May of 2017 with the objective of characterizing the President's political discourse Barack Obama regarding Cuba in the period 2014-2016. For this, takes it like reference the paradigm of qualitative investigation, responding at the high interpretation level required in the analyzed sample. Starting from the Critical Discourse Analysis method, was proven that the political speech of Barack Obama toward the Island is characterized by the employment of the intelligent power. The detected discursive strategies, they legitimate an ideological focus of the promotion of the universal principles of the democracy, the human rights and the free and open markets. It was also verified, the presence of discursive variations through the mobile strategies of honesty and apparent altruism, as well as of the positive valuations.
Palabras clave
Discurso Político, Poder Inteligente, Estrategias Discursivas, Political Discourse, Smart Power, Discursive Strategies